Our Mission

Our mission is to put Jesus at the centre of lives and communities.

We do this through focusing our ministries within our nine core values:

No Fences

We strive to remove the obstacles that stop people
from belonging to our community
and developing a relationship with Jesus.

We are committed to connecting with people and organisations
beyond the boundaries of our buildings.



We value our Anglican heritage

and that we are members of a global church

with a rich and living tradition.

Life Changing

We provide people, empowered by the Holy Spirit,

with the tools and the opportunities they need to be transformed,

to honour Jesus and serve their community.


We are a diverse community made up of people from
different ages and cultural backgrounds
united in our love of Christ Jesus.

We celebrate our diversity and respect one another.


We are committed to being a vibrant
Bible-based community of faith.

We want to help people to think
and behave biblically through useful,

compelling and applicable content.


We recognise the dynamic nature of God.

We are flexible, open to new opportunities,
and responsive to His leading.

Going Deeper

We seek to encounter God daily,

and change minds and hearts through respectful honest conversation,

authentic relationships, and Biblical exploration.

Youth & Children

We intentionally invest in children, young people and families

to see them grow in their love of God.


We believe that God wants his people to pray

and we seek to integrate this into all aspects of our life.



If you would like to see how we live out these core values, visit us at one of our weekend services.